Yesterday we visited the ruins at a site called Teotihuacan. We made a mistake in our last post saying they were Aztec, they are not. This site pre-dates the Aztecs by about 1000 years. Not much is known about Teotihuacan except that at its peak had about 80,000 residents and covered about 24 square Kilometers. Pretty impressive for a culture dating to 100BC-650AD. We took the bus 1 hour from Mexico city, and climbed the three large temples, including the Temple of the Sun which was the largest. Temple of the Sun is the 3rd largest by volume in the world. It was a lot of fun and we got some good exercise.
Before we leave Mexico City, here are a few things we learned about the city:
1. Pedestrians use caution! Cars never give the right of way even when there are stop signs or red lights... Suppose we understand given the traffic...
2. Toilet paper doesn´t go in the toilet. Trash can only, otherwise mass chaos in the plumbing systems. We assume this will be true for us most of the next year.
3. Public Display of Affection. Prudes need not apply. People seem to make-out wherever they want... trains, parks, buses... sloppy too.
4. Saying "No Thank You" (even in spanish) to vendors in tourist places must mean "Please, follow me down the street and harass me relentlessly." Good times!
Love reading this! SO jealous. Teotihuacan is awesome, and you're going to love Puebla!!!
Hey Rich! Thought I'd tell you about my adventure yesterday. My friend rented out the local ice rink last night. We played hockey for two hours with no pads or anything. None of us can really skate that well but I was for sure the best skater I even scored a goal! Thought you'd be proud. I'm super soar today but I had one of the funnest nights ever.
How cool to see ruins from suh anmold civilization! So crazy to think of what life was like that long ago. 80000 people is a big community! Love you
Rich and Kendra - Love your latest post!! Sounds like the trip is going great... Kendra - You mention PDA in the city... make sure Rich doesn't get any ideas!!! Pictures are great too!!! Janet and I just got back from Florida... We had an awesome week there... Rich will remember our sailing trip to the Florida Keys on Gramps old boat. Janet and I went to a couple of those same anchorages... We are seriously thinking of taking a sailing cruise to the Bahamas soon... We would cross the Ocean to get to the Bahamas then sail back after cruising the Islands... Blackhawks actually returned to winning form the last two games and Big Z opens for the Cubs next week...
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