Since Antigua we´ve sort of fallen in love with a place called Xela, it´s a medium-sized city (big by Guatemalan standards) in the highlands. We´ve been here over a week and don´t plan on leaving for another couple. We have been taking spanish school and living with a host family too... there are a lot fewer tourists than in Antigua and a lot more culture, but more on all this later.

Central America is famous for its volcanoes, and the Tajumulco is the highest volcano in Central America at 4222 meters or just under 14,000 feet. That´s pretty damn high actually... some problems with clouds and altitude were sure to occur. Regardless, we arranged to go with a tour company called Queztaltrekkers who supplied us with cold weather gear, tents, sleeping pads, water, and food. Tajumulco is a 2 day hike with 1 night camping on the mountain about 600 feet from the summit, so you need to carry everything you need to camp (in cold weather) and drink and eat. If you´re Rich, you need to carry Kendra´s heavy, bulky fleece sleeping bag liner to keep Kendra warm and thus happy on the cold mountain top.

But because we are awesome, we persevered. Despite the altitude and the extremely cloudy weather, we hiked a solid 3 or 4 hours to our campsite, stopping for a delicious lunch prepared by the guides of PBJ´s, rice salad, cole slaw, chips and guacamole. The hike was foggy but the fog created a beautiful misty setting as we hiked through open fields and big trees on the side of the volcano. The trees on Tajumulco grow at the highest altitude of any trees in the world... so technically, they are not the tallest, but they are the highest trees in the world.

The next morning we got up at 3:30am... yes, in the morning. It was pitch black when we hiked the final hour to the summit, we had to use our headlamps and flashlights which was a funky experience. Kendra was having a tough time with the thin air and the weather was still really cloudy so we were worried we wouldn´t have a great view of the sunrise which was supposed to be the highlight of the trip. We got to the summit just as the first light started to appear... and for the first and only time of the entire weekend, the clouds parted and we spent an hour at the summit watching an incredible sunrise over the top of the first cloudline which was far below us.

¨Hike the Highest Volcano in Central America¨ is officially off our to do list...
I enjoyed your journal and pictures, however I got dizzy just reading about it and seeing favorite place especially if I have to hike which I never liked to do. BE CAREFUL, STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY. pray for you daily. Love you lots. Grandma C for both of us.
The pictures are outstanding. How awesome is God's creation and that you both got to enjoy it first hand. Thankfully we also get to enjoy a glimpse into that awesome beauty too. Kendra, congrats I would not have made it even close. Rich I hope you are taking notes on how the cooking is done - looking forward to feasting on some yummy things when you two get home. How about writing a cookbook? Love you two. Stay safe. Study hard. mom judy
You guys rock! Cold weather camping rocks! Fried plantains rock! Very very up, rocks! Altitude sickness does not rock. Mountain tops rock! Mountain top sunrises totally rock!!!
Glad you had such an amazing experience and thanks for sharing the stories and photos, especially the ones of you watching the Stanley Cup playoffs! I guess the Blackhawks rock, too!
Love, Aunt Deere
Beautiful view! Love the pictures. Love you both!
Entirely cool you guys! I love the details and the pictures. Have a blast. Janet
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