It's been very relaxing to be able to put our bags away and shower without sandals on. Cuenca is a beautiful city and the people are friendly which makes our current situation all the more amiable. Besides sleeping late and dragging our asses out of the apartment occasionally to acquire food, we are in fact involved in some things beyond just sustinence.
Rich has been taking more spanish classes and gets frequent compliments from the locals about how well he speaks spanish. He also loves the free coffee the school supplies at all times. Kendra finished her weaving course, learning how to weave on a different type of loom that she used in Guatemala. She made a beautiful wall hanging out of thick wool and managed to speak enough spanglish with her instructor to understand that she was an above average student.
Other than that, we've spent some time with a great group of friends we've met and have just dug hanging out and taking a little vacation from our vacation. What could be better?
Oh, and Chicago, it's about 75 degrees here. Everyday.
Hard to think that you'd need a 'vacation from your vacation'... But I guess I can see how you need to settle down and stay in one place for a while... Nothing new here at home... lots of winter weather but that's par for the course... Take care and stay well... Love u guys... DAD
It's down right COLD here and very windy. We didn't venture out to church this a.m. because of the blowing of the light snow that we have. We can tell the wind is from the NW today due to the fact our bedroom is cool.
Your pictures and blog are great as usual. Hopefully the family can get together this Sat., but the weather has to be good for them to make it. Anyway, keep safe, healthy and cool.
Love Grandma and Grandpa C
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