As many of you may already know, our time on the San Blas Islands was made all the more perfect by our engagement. On an empty, powdery white sand beach, in two inches of clear warm water, Rich dropped to one knee and asked Kendra to marry him. To this, she replied, "Are you serious?" Once reassured that he indeed was very serious, she said yes to the proposal. The "yes" is about all Rich recalls of the event, as he was too nervous to record much more at the time. All in all it was a perfect proposal.
We want to thank both our families for the open arms into which we have been received, as well as our friends for joining us in our excitement.

If you're curious, pictures #85-#90 in the "San Blas" folder are immediately after the proposal. Pictures of ring are in the Cartagena, Colombia folder.
Congratulations guys!!! Lisa and I are so happy for you!!!
It was great hearing your voices Thurs. night over at your folks. Congratulation kids, and the ring is beautiful. Take care and be careful. Pray for you daily. Miss you lots. Love you lots. Grandpa an Grandma C
Ahhhhhhhhh!!! I get teary eyed just reading this. Love the ring by the way. I love the emerald, kind of like the cat huh!
We are so thrilled for you guys! Word is getting around to extended family who are sending congrats!!! Janet
Congratulations! Rich, you choose a great spot!
Lincoln & Celina
Congratulations on your engagement!!! You guys are great together and make a terrific couple. We are all happy and excited about the great news!!! Love you both!!! DAD
Congratulations! The ring is beautiful! Looking forward to many more fun times with the two of you. We are excited. Love you two. mom (j) and dad
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